Type of pass A allows transit, stop and park in the special areas for loading and unloading goods and passengers.
Type of pass A allows transit, stop and park in the special areas for loading and unloading goods and passengers.
Type of pass B allows the transit, stop and park for buses who stay at hotels in the municipal area – with the bus remaining at the disposal of the group.
Type of pass C allows the transit and the stop for the buses which transport passengers staying in hotels in the territory, for the time required for the ascent and descent of the passengers, near the accommodation and has a validity of 2 hours.
Type of pass D is reserved for Goods transport vehicles directed towards the commercial and industrial activities insisting within the perimeter of the City of Pompeii. This destination must be declared when the pass is withdrawn (by self-certification D.P.R. 445). The pass allows access to the ZTL YELLOW fromfrom 6.00 AM to 12.00 PM and from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM.
The exemption is available for the following vehicles:
Buses will be entitled to a 50% discount on the amount owed if they transport public or parish schools students participating in documented tours organized by their institute. This facilitation is addressed to students from all countries, subject to attestation of the institute.
The online payment method is convenient as well as easy and quick. It is convenient because it is entitled to a 5% discount on the fee due. It is quick because pass delivery is instantaneous, via email and allows instant access to the ZTL, exonerating from the obligation to pass to the check point.
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